
Mayor Bray responds to Fiscal Court comments about convention center

Mayor Bray responds to Fiscal Court comments about convention center
By West KY Star Staff
Mar. 28, 2023 | PADUCAH
By West KY Star Staff Mar. 28, 2023 | 10:25 PM | PADUCAH

During Tuesday's Paducah city commission meeting, mayor George Bray responded to comments made this week by Fiscal Court members concerning collaboration between the city and county.

 McCracken County Judge-executive Craig Clymer's comments addressed needed repairs to the Convention Center’s deteriorated roof. The mayor said the city is researching using the transient room tax and studying ways that previous repair and improvement projects for the Convention Center were funded. 

Bray said it's the city’s understanding that the 2 percent transient room tax for the Convention Center was designed to support debt for capital improvement projects. Therefore, ceasing that practice would constitute a change in direction. 

City Manager Daron Jordan emphasized the transient room tax is collected primarily from visitors. He said the funds are project dollars, not city or county dollars. City officials noted that plans are progressing concerning much-needed repairs to the Convention Center, and it's expected that the building's roof to be replaced this summer.

Another topic at Monday’s McCracken County Fiscal Court meeting involved the county’s stage used for various special events. Mayor Bray noted that the county owns it and charges organizations rental fees for its use.

In the past, the city assisted in assembling the stage for city-sponsored events. The decision was made not to use city employees on the county’s stage, since the city is attempting to reduce liability and workers’ compensation claims, while increasing internal departmental efficiencies.

The Planning Commission and the board had a discussion concerning the approval of constructing new subdivisions. The topic surfaced during the February public hearing and approval of a preliminary subdivision plat by the Planning Commission of a proposed subdivision called Terrace Hills on Pecan Drive. Bray said the Planning Commission has legal authority to approve a proposed subdivision, pursuant to KRS 100.277. Therefore, the Planning Commission was acting as an agent of the City Commission in the approval process. 

Case law supports approving a proposed subdivision if it conforms with zoning and subdivision regulations, he said. If a subdivision developer meets the regulations and addresses stormwater and erosion control, the Planning Commission is obligated to approve a preliminary plat. Bray said in this situation, the developer met the requirements in the subdivision process.

The Board approved a municipal order accepting the bid from Midstates Construction for the Robert Cherry Civic Center renovation. That work will repair the facility, after a truck crashed into it in 2022, causing significant building damage. The project includes rehabilitating the community center area and providing office space to relocate the Parks and Recreation Department’s administrative employees. After the notice to proceed is issued, the expectation is for the project to be completed in mid-December.



