The Tennessee Valley Authority reports current high energy demand across its generation and transmission system. As a result, West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative and other TVA local power companies ask members to reduce their power use as much as possible until further notice.
To support the effort, the Co-op's large industrial members also are cutting back.
As the situation develops, there is a possibility of implementing 15-minute rolling blackouts. However, West Kentucky has no immediate plans to do so. If TVA determines blackouts do become necessary, the co-op will alert its members, according to its news release.
Members can help by reducing their own energy use by lowering the thermostat. Lowering by just one degree can save up to 3 percent.
Turn off holiday lights, lights in rooms, computers, and TVs, when not in use. Power strips help and provide surge protection.
Delay using washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, and similar appliances until later Saturday afternoon, when possible.