
Speed limit change on I-24 snares Illinois man on drug charges

Speed limit change on I-24 snares Illinois man on drug charges
By West Kentucky Star Staff
11 hours ago | PADUCAH
By West Kentucky Star Staff Mar. 05, 2025 | 10:01 AM | PADUCAH
The speed limit change along I-24 in Paducah snared an Illinois man on drug and other charges. 

Just after 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, McCracken County Sheriff's deputies stopped a vehicle for speeding near the six-mile marker. The driver, 47-year-old Israel Moore of Hazel Crest, Illinois, was reportedly found to have Ecstasy, marijuana, and fake urine in the vehicle designed to fool a drug test.

Moore was arrested and charged with possession of Ecstasy and marijuana, criminal simulation, and speeding 26 mph or more over the limit. He was taken to the McCracken County Regional Jail.    

The speed limit has been dropped to 55 mph from exit 7 to the Ohio River bridge, where a three-year rehab project has begun.

