Over a month has passed since the 2022 Legislative Session concluded, but my work as your Senator has not diminished. Between answering your well-thought-out letters and phone calls, I have been visiting with constituents in our district, listening to concerns and preparing to discuss topics during the Interim.
The 2022 Interim began June 2 with a host of meetings at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center in Covington. Lawmakers discussed several issues at the forefront of the public’s attention, such as the ongoing infant formula shortage. We were provided updates on the Brent Spence Bridge project, reviewed implementation of bills from the 2022 Regular Session like tax reform, and heard testimony regarding Kentucky’s signature industries, workforce development, education, the Louisville youth detention facility and much more.
The interim period is designated for a more in-depth look at policy matters to determine what legislation may be necessary for the 2023 Regular Session, a 30-day session scheduled to begin next January.
Interim Joint Committees are standing committees that meet when the regular session is adjourned. Per the Legislative Research Commission, Interim Joint Committees are formed from the standing committees of both houses. For instance, the Education Committee of the Senate and the Education Committee of the House become the Interim Joint Committee on Education after the regular session.
Special committees, also known as task forces, are established by the Legislative Research Commission and function primarily during the Interim, usually studying a specific topic.
This year’s special committees include:
The Early Childhood Education Task Force — This task force is one I will co-chair. It is created to conduct a comprehensive review of early childhood education in the commonwealth. The goal is to create a sustainable model and encourage the expansion of early childhood education centers throughout the state, especially in areas identified as childcare deserts. A sustainable system is crucial for the future of our kids and economic growth in Kentucky.
The Benefits Cliff Task Force — Created to review the impact of the public assistance benefits cliff on labor force participation, employment, wages, and benefit duration and usage in the commonwealth and to develop public policy recommendations to support working families in transitioning off of public assistance into gainful employment and self-sufficiency.
The Bourbon Barrel Taxation Task Force — Created to study the current ad valorem tax rate structure for bourbon barrel sales in the commonwealth.
The Cabinet for Health and Family Services Organizational Structure, Operations and Administrative Task Force — Created to study the organizational structure, operations and administration of programs, policies and procedures within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
The Emergency Medical Services Task Force — Created to study the provision of emergency medical services in Kentucky.
The Executive Branch Efficiency Task Force — Created to study the effectiveness of current executive branch cabinet working procedures for administering services to citizens of the commonwealth.
All committees during the Interim are open to the public and the media; both are encouraged to tune in. These committees discuss policy issues within their committee subject and forward policy recommendations to the General Assembly and the Legislative Research Commission.
For a list of interim committees and to view the Interim Calendar, please visit legislature.ky.gov. You can tune in to meetings live online via the LRC YouTube Channel and at ket.org/legislature. Archived footage of meetings can be accessed at KET.org/legislature/archives and on the LRC YouTube Channel.
It is an honor to serve as your state Senator. Please do not hesitate to reach out to my office during the interim session should you have any questions or to share your concerns regarding any issue.
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