
Murray senator hopeful MSU can start veterinary medicine program

Murray senator hopeful MSU can start veterinary medicine program
By West Kentucky Star staff
Apr. 08, 2024 | FRANKFORT
By West Kentucky Star staff Apr. 08, 2024 | 01:40 PM | FRANKFORT
Although it appears a Kentucky Senate bill allowing Murray State University to start a veternarian school may not be voted on this session, the bill's sponsor is optimistic about its future.

Senator Jason Howell of Murray said to the Murray Ledger and Times he hopes KRS 164 will be amended to allow MSU to start the program.

Howell's bill is similiar to one filed by Representative Richard Heath of Mayfield which passed the House in February.

However, the Senate bill has been stalled in the Senate Education Committee also since February.

Currently, only the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville, the state's only research universities, are the only ones that may start a veterinary medicine program.


