
Marshall County Sheriff puts retirement on hold

Marshall County Sheriff puts retirement on hold
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Jul. 25, 2022 | BENTON
By West Kentucky Star Staff Jul. 25, 2022 | 09:10 PM | BENTON
Marshall County Sheriff Eddie McGuire said he is putting his retirement plans on hold after claiming outgoing County Judge Executive Kevin Neal has gone back on his word on who to appoint in his place.

McGuire is seeking election to the Marshall County Commission after winning the Republican primary for District 1. He had planned to retire as sheriff at the end of the week.

In a letter sent to Sheriff's Office staff, McGuire claims that Neal was set to appoint Matt Hilbrecht to the remainder of the term. McGuire said that he had gotten information that Judge Neal had plans to appoint Trent Weaver to the post. While McGuire feels Weaver would be "adequate", he questioned his motives. 

McGuire has put retirement on hold until at least August 31st to try and avoid what he feels is unnecessary disruptions with staff and operation of the Sheriff's Office. 

McGuire had planned to step aside and let Hilbrecht take over after Hilbrecht won the Republican Primary in May and was going to be unopposed in the November general election.

McGuire claims with Hilbrecht taking over prior to tax collections it could save the county money. State law requires an audit of taxes collected, and when there is a transition in the middle of collections, a second audit is required. Both audits by the state auditors office would be paid for by the county.  

 Neal was defeated by Kevin Spraggs in the May primary. 

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