
Graves County Middle School gets $100,000 TVA grant

By West Kentucky Star Staff
May. 04, 2022 | MAYFIELD
By West Kentucky Star Staff May. 04, 2022 | 03:00 PM | MAYFIELD
The Tennessee Valley Authority has awarded Graves County Middle School a $100,000 Learning Environment grant for completing the School Uplift program.

The school is one of 11 nationwide, and only school in Kentucky to receive the grant. 

The School Uplift program is designed to train students and staff how to make better energy choices, improve the classroom environment, and save the district money all at the same time. 

Grant opportunities are competitive among schools that complete School Uplift.

Graves County Middle School Principal Jonathan Miller said, "We are so excited to have earned this grant, which we will invest in needed upgrades that will improve our facility and make Graves County Middle School more efficient, healthy, and comfortable.”

The schools that have completed the program saw, on average, a 10% savings on their energy bills just from changing behavior.

The school will be celebrating the grant on Tuesday, during the school's field day.

(Images courtesy of Graves County Schools and TVA)

