
Dog rescued from hot car at Kentucky Oaks Mall

Dog rescued from hot car at Kentucky Oaks Mall
By West Kentucky Star staff
Aug. 23, 2023 | PADUCAH
By West Kentucky Star staff Aug. 23, 2023 | 07:44 AM | PADUCAH
A dog had to be rescued after it was left in a hot car outside Kentucky Oaks Mall on Monday afternoon.

The McCracken County Sheriff’s Office said deputies and county Animal Control personnel responded to the vehicle that was not running and they were unable to find the owner.

A deputy tried to open the vehicle through a window that was partially open, but was unsuccessful. The dog was in severe distress, so the deputy broke a window to get to the dog and witnesses took it inside a store to cool off. 

The deputy said the dog was barely able to support himself, panting and frothing at the mouth.

Animal control took the dog to an animal clinic for treatment where he stayed overnight.

The owners of the dog, 18-year-old Neveah Sellman and 64-year-old Theresa Sellman of Ballard County, were cited for second-degree cruelty to animals and will appear in District Court in September.

The sheriff’s office said the dog is recovering well.

