
State lawmakers form Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Caucus

State lawmakers form Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Caucus
By West Kentucky Star staff
Jan. 11, 2024 | LOUISVILLE
By West Kentucky Star staff Jan. 11, 2024 | 03:28 PM | LOUISVILLE
A bipartisan group of more than 90 lawmakers have made the historic move to form the Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Caucus.

This new caucus, which met for the first time on Wednesday, is committed to advocating for the interests of local co-op consumer members across the Commonwealth.
"Electric cooperatives are a vital and vibrant part of rural communities," says Sen. Robin Webb (D-Grayson), one of the four founding caucus chairs. "This caucus was formed to give legislators an up-close look at their local co-op and develop a better understanding of how the electric grid functions."
The formation of the caucus comes at a critical time in the 87-year history of electric cooperatives in Kentucky, as they face new rules and regulations monthly from Washington, D.C.

Electric cooperatives provide power to more than 1.8 million Kentucky residents and businesses in 117 counties. 

