
Kentucky's own weather predicting groundhog dies... on Groundhog Day

Kentucky's own weather predicting groundhog dies... on Groundhog Day
By West Kentucky Star staff
Feb. 05, 2024 | BULLITT COUNTY
By West Kentucky Star staff Feb. 05, 2024 | 07:29 AM | BULLITT COUNTY
Punxsutawney Phil had the national spotlight last Friday, but Kentucky also has its own weather-predicting groundhog... or at least we did.

Kentucky's groundhog, named Major, also predicted an early spring from his home in Bullitt County last week.  Then, later on Groundhog Day, Major passed away.

The Second Chances Wildlife Center posted on social media that Major died peacefully that night at the age of 10, of heart issues related to old age.

The center took Major in as a baby, and he lived there his entire life. He was a star of a weekly series of social media posts, including annual predictions on Groundhog Day.

They put out a statement saying they "knew this was coming," and this was set to be his final year of predicting.

In fact, the center said Major was coaching his protégé, a younger groundhog named Josie Burrow, named after Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow.  

The wildlife center said that right before Major passed, he coached Josie through her first forecast on Friday.  Just like Phil, she also said we'll have an early spring. 

(Photo: Second Chances Wildlife Center)

