With medical marijuana being legalized in Kentucky at the first of the year, there are some questions being raised, and choices having to be made.
Long-standing federal law still makes it illegal to own or buy a handgun and use medical marijuana.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is reminding Kentuckians that regardless if a state has passed the legalization of marijuana or not, it is federally unlawful for a person to use the drug and own a firearm.
ATF warns residents that if they register for the medical marijuana program, they are legally not allowed to own or buy guns or ammunition.
Purchasers of firearms are required to fill out an ATF form which asks the question, "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?"
For now, it doesn't matter if a gun buyer or owner resides in a state where marijuana was legalized.
“You definitely need to be aware of the risks. If you lie on the form, it’s federal perjury. If you get caught with it, it could be time in jail up to 10 years,” said Matthew Bratcher with the marijuana advocacy group Kentucky Norml.
He said the federal statute has been challenged in different states over the years. Most recently, U.S. District Courts in Oklahoma and Texas have ruled the federal law unconstitutional, but neither case has made it to the Supreme Court.
(AP photo Steve Helber)
Kentuckians will have to choose between guns and marijuana
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