
Tornado corridor cell service restoration update

Tornado corridor cell service restoration update
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Dec. 27, 2021 | MAYFIELD
By West Kentucky Star Staff Dec. 27, 2021 | 05:12 PM | MAYFIELD
The Regional Emergency Operations Center reported Monday that cell service providers have completed their initial round of temporary service restoration.

They said that the level of cell and data service available today is the best that it can be for the next three to six months. Crews from the major carriers have restored what can be repaired and filled in with portable cell towers.

Service providers report that the mitigation strategies in place for the physically damaged tower structures in Graves and Marshall counties have been adopted as long-term solutions until tower structures can be repaired or replaced.

Temporary Cellular On Wheels units have been placed next to existing towers that are out of service in Mayfield and Benton. In addition, several damaged cell towers that remain in service will have to be replaced before cellular and data signals can return to levels before the Dec. 10 tornado.

