The Paducah Police Department hosted its 15th annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday evening at Walker Hall. During the ceremony, a total of 43 officers and non-sworn personnel along with one citizen were all presented with awards for their exceptional acts of service in 2024.
Sergeant Matthew Hopp was named employee of the year. Hopp began his service with the Paducah Police Department in 2014 and was named sergeant in 2018.
Detective Casey Steenbergen and Detective Thomas Shiels were also honored, receiving a Meritorious Service Award for their outstanding efforts in stopping a suspect armed with a handgun during a robbery-in-progress in May of 2024.
Angel Smith was honored with a Citizen Service Award for her role in obtaining crucial information to reunite a young autistic woman with her family.
A total of 60 awards were given to sworn personnel, non-sworn personnel, and a citizen of our community.