
Commission approves renovation design of Cherry Civic Center

Commission approves renovation design of Cherry Civic Center
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Mar. 22, 2022 | PADUCAH
By West Kentucky Star Staff Mar. 22, 2022 | 09:00 PM | PADUCAH
At Tuesday’s Paducah City Commission meeting, commissioners approved the interior renovation design for the Robert Cherry Civic Center.

At their February 8 meeting, the board reviewed two designs prepared by architects for the 9,377-square-foot Civic Center. At Tuesday’s meeting, the board approved a motion to move forward with the option that uses the existing building with no increase in square footage.

That decision came after much discussion as the board and mayor reviewed information from previous events held at the Civic Center.

The approved option would use approximately three-quarters of the existing building to provide assembly, kitchen and storage space with a seating capacity for 160 to 256. The remaining area is designed to provide office and reception space for the Parks and Recreation Department.

The mayor said they didn’t want to disadvantage anyone but thought everybody would be happy with the new space.

(Photo: City of Paducah)

