
Multiple tobacco barns burn in Calloway County

By West Kentucky Star staff
Dec. 09, 2024 | CALLOWAY COUNTY
By West Kentucky Star staff Dec. 09, 2024 | 06:12 AM | CALLOWAY COUNTY
Multiple crews responded to a fire involving at least three tobacco barns in Calloway County early Sunday morning.

According to Calloway County Fire and Rescue, the fire was reported at around 1:30 a.m. on Scott Road west of the Lynn Grove community.

As they arrived, one barn was fully involved with a second barn catching fire and threatening a third. The fire was also spreading into wooded areas around the property.

Fire crews were able to protect the last barn with minimal damage to the outside.

The eventual response to the scene involved 35 firefighters and ten vehicles from Calloway and Graves counties. Over 40,000 gallons of water were used on the fire trying to protect surrounding barns, structures, and wooded areas.

Emergency personnel were on the scene for around four hours before clearing the scene.

(Photos: Calloway Fire and Rescue)

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