
Maple Grove Elementary in need of supplies for relocated students

Maple Grove Elementary in need of supplies for relocated students
By West Kentucky Star staff
Aug. 28, 2023 | JOPPA
By West Kentucky Star staff Aug. 28, 2023 | 09:25 AM | JOPPA
Donations are being requested after weather recently damaged the Maple Grove Elementary School in Joppa.

Elementary teachers and students have relocated to Joppa High School while repairs to the building are made.

However, books and school supplies in the elementary building are not allowed to be moved, so students are in need for school supplies.

Joppa Maple Grove is requesting pencils, paper, and other supplies for the elementary students.

An Amazon wish list has been established online, and the school is also accepting Amazon gift cards.

Since Joppa's junior and senior high isn't equipped with elementary level books, donations of used books are also requested.

The Joppa High senior class will conduct a book drive on Thursday September 7. You're asked to bring gently used, Pre-K to 6th grade level books from 4-8 p.m. on the 7th, or anytime during normal school hours.

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