
Graves County Fiscal Court weighs

Graves County Fiscal Court weighs
By West Kentucky Star staff
5 hours ago | MAYFIELD
By West Kentucky Star staff Mar. 17, 2025 | 02:21 PM | MAYFIELD
On Monday, the Graves County Fiscal Court posted its latest discussions concerning the feasibility of a new jail.  
After the county jail was destroyed by the December, 2021 tornado, all county inmates went to other county jails, some of which were on the other side of the state.

As Graves County also lost their court facilities, cases were not processed, which increased the inmate count. The county inmate population soared to over 250 at times. 

The inmate count has since trended down now to an average of 169 last fiscal year. With fewer county inmates, a couple things have changed. Inmates are now housed closer to Graves County and General Fund transfers to cover the jails budget shortfalls are slightly reduced.

Commissioners said the price tag for a new jail is $24,000,000 to $50,000,000 depending on size. 

They stated that Graves County is not able to bond tens of millions of dollars to build a new jail, and the Graves County Fiscal Court does not believe it is wise or responsible to pass that cost along to taxpayers. 

​Commissioners said that rebuilding a jail is by no means a guarantee, but the county is hopeful that funds will be allocated by the state.  

The court believes the low tax environment of the county is an asset and they do not want to burden the taxpayers with generational debt. 

In the short-term, housing inmates closer to home saves on fuel and vehicle maintenance costs. Housing agreements and contracts are currently being discussed with nearby counties and their respective Jailers. 

They are hopeful this will ease the strain on the budget and provide safer transfer for jail deputies. Second, establishing a Jail Operations Center will provide much needed support not only to jail staff, and the Circuit and District Court System. 

The JOC will house offices, cells and additional space not currently available. By adding this building, individuals who are arrested on nights and weekends will be able to be housed in Graves County and not transported until day shift. 

Both of these initiatives are currently in progress.

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