
Teacher of the Month

Teacher of the Month
By Kristen Amaya
yesterday | MURRAY
By Kristen Amaya Feb. 19, 2025 | 07:03 PM | MURRAY
This week we had the important task of awarding our Teacher of the Month for January. We were back at Murray Elementary School to congratulate Magen Wood, who is in her 11th year of teaching.
As a 1st Grade teacher at Murray Elementary, Magen wants her students to know how much she loves them. Asked what she wants her students to remember about her, she said: “that I love them and that they are cared for.” She attends as many of their extra-curricular activities as possible and you can see why she was voted Teacher of the Month. “I was at a cheer competition this weekend. I go to basketball games and football games” she said, obviously invested in her students outside the classroom.

As every teacher spends their prize money on their classroom, Mrs. Wood indicated these cold days forces the students to have recess inside. Her first graders need more indoor games! With this weather those games will be put to good use!

West Kentucky Star Teacher of the Month, sponsored by Scott Walker Construction, is awarded each month of the school year. As the January winner, Ms. Wood will join the future 2024-2025 awardees for West Kentucky Star Teacher of the Year 2024 – 2025. Each teacher’s school receives a yard sign to show that a “Teacher of the Month Works Here.” It’s a great addition to the school entrances and a way schools can show off their winning teacher! Also, thanks to our sponsor, all monthly winners receive $75!

Visit the CONTESTS tab to nominate your favorite teacher for the current Teacher of the Month.

Pictured left to right is Kristen Amaya of, Magen Wood, husband Tyler Wood and Magen’s mother and stepfather, Betty and Paul Myrick

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