
Progress Continues on Eggner's Ferry Bridge

Progress Continues on Eggner's Ferry Bridge
By Keith Todd, KYDOT
May. 10, 2012 | EDDYVILLE, KY
By Keith Todd, KYDOT May. 10, 2012 | 05:08 PM | EDDYVILLE, KY
Hall Contracting on Thursday successfully moved a replacement span for the Eggners Ferry Bridge from an assembly area onto a barge.

The four hour transfer of the 300 ton steel truss was the first step toward getting the new span moved to the bridge. Workers used huge wooden beams to construct wooden pads to support the weight of the truss and the two massive cranes used to move it. Efforts now turn to building a ramp that will allow the cranes to be moved onto a barge so they can be transported with the truss to the bridge site.

Hall engineers indicate moving the cranes from land to barge may actually be more difficult than moving the replacement span from land to barge. With the amount of work required to load the cranes, engineers are now saying it may be Saturday or Sunday before they can have the replacement span and the equipment required to lift it ready for the 30-mile trip by water to the bridge.

Kentucky Transportation Spokesman Keith Todd says motorists and pedestrians should not attempt to view the span from the Canal Bridge on KY 453, stating that traffic flow has to be maintained, so law so law enforcement has been asked to take appropriate action to assure that traffic can move across the bridge at all times." Todd noted that highway officials are also asking boaters to stay away from the span as it is transported down the lake to avoid interfering with the operation.


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