In a Friday Facebook post, the district said a transportation employee tested positive, but had not been involved in the food preparation or delivery process, and had not been in any contact with students.
Noting that there may be uncertainties or concerns during this pandemic, officials assured everyone they are consulting with the local health department and taking any necessary safety precautions.
Two new cases were confirmed Friday by the Livingston County Health Department, but it isn't known if this employee is one of those people. There have been six confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Livingston County.
Here is the complete statement:
"One of our Livingston County School District transportation employees has tested positive for the Coronavirus. This employee has not been involved in any food deliveries or food preparation and has not been in contact with any students. As a district we understand that there are uncertainties, questions and fears during this time. We want to ensure our community that we continue to consult with the local health department and are taking the necessary safety precautions needed to continue to provide educational and nutritional services to our students and families."