
City of Murray Offers Small Business Grants

City of Murray Offers Small Business Grants
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Apr. 18, 2020 | MURRAY
By West Kentucky Star Staff Apr. 18, 2020 | 11:08 AM | MURRAY
Mayor Bob Rogers announced Friday that the city of Murray will offer relief grants to small businesses coping with restrictions from the coronavirus pandemic.

The grants will go to approximatedly 40 Murray businesses that have been deemed non-essential, and were required to cease or restrict their operations because of directives of the governor.

Grants could be in amounts up to one thousand dollars, to be used for rent, mortgage, utilities or payroll.

The application for grants will be available online beginning at 10 am on Monday at the City of Murray website. (linked below)

Eligible businesses must operate in a "brick-and-mortar" location in Murray since before January 1 of this year, and employ 25 or fewer people. Franchise businesses must be owned by a resident of Murray. 

On the Net:

Murray small business grant information page

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