
Illinois Safety Agencies: Wellness Checks Are Safe

Illinois Safety Agencies: Wellness Checks Are Safe
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Apr. 25, 2020 | SPRINGFIELD
By West Kentucky Star Staff Apr. 25, 2020 | 04:56 PM | SPRINGFIELD
Illinois public safety agencies, including fire, police, and health services, would like to remind senior residents that wellness checks are safe. The agencies say that police, fire, or EMS staff who conduct requested welfare checks on any Illinois resident will be wearing personal protective equipment, like masks or goggles. 

“Seniors should not feel anxious about answering the door as proper precautions are being taken by first responders to ensure the safety of residents and themselves. If someone still feels unsafe opening the door, they can communicate through a glass door or window to let the responders know they are well. Rest assured, the person may be unrecognizable under all the protective gear, but is still the same dedicated individual in uniform that is always in their community protecting citizens,” State Fire Marshal Matt Perez explained.

The agencies note that, even while wearing protective equipment, all first responders will still be able to show proper identification. 

“Members of the community should rest assured that your first responders are still there to keep you safe. In fact, we may be asked to come to check and make sure that you are ok,” said Jim Kaitschuk, Executive Director of the Illinois Sheriffs’ Association. “However, if you aren’t immediately comfortable answering the door, you should contact your non-emergency number for police to confirm.”

Paula Basta, Director of the Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA), encourages the public to check on older family members and friends. “Find a creative way to communicate with them during this time and monitor their health,” she said.

Older adults are considered to be at potentially higher risk for coronavirus complications. Senior citizens or concerned individuals can contact IDoA’s Senior HelpLine at 1-800-252-8966. Individuals with hearing loss may call 888-206-1327. 

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