
TGIF: Plant the Seeds

TGIF: Plant the Seeds
By Charis Brown
Aug. 14, 2020 | PADUCAH
By Charis Brown Aug. 14, 2020 | 11:05 PM | PADUCAH
“When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body.” -1 Corinthians 15:37 & 38

Do you have any dreams or goals you want to pursue? I’m sure you do. Because God has placed the seed of eternity within every person, (Ecclesiastics 3:11) there is a desire for something bigger than us in each of us. And each of us was created for a unique purpose in mind. (Jeremiah 1:5)

When we have goals, when we have things we want to pursue, to do, to be, it’s easy to get caught up in those things instead of God our Savior. Although we know we need to be diligent and focused for these things to come to pass, we need to recognize where our life and dreams come from. I heard a friend say once, “You’d think that in order to have it all together you have to make everything happen immediately, when in reality God is saying, ‘Just plant the seed – leave the outcome in my hands.'”

When we place our things, our objectives, hopes and dreams in between us and our God, we can fall into depression. We can so easily turn our focus from Him and onto ourselves. What we have and what we don’t have can be a wall between He and us.  But we only need to plant the seed, and leave the outcome in His hands. What we feed grows. What we water becomes bigger.

Jesus created us. He knows our thoughts, our hopes, and our dreams. He wants nothing more than for the seeds in us to be birthed, to be made manifest. But, He desires we put Him before any of those things. Because without Him, our dreams lose their redemptive power. And because He loves us so much, He wants our hearts more than anything else.

Are there any goals or aspirations that you need to step out in? Scripture says, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” (Proverbs 19:21) We can write out our plans, but God is the one who gives them life. It’s just our job to keep Him first, and plant the seed.

On the Net:

Today God Is First

