
Quilters Invest in Paducah During Quilt Week

Quilters Invest in Paducah During Quilt Week
By Ro Morse
Apr. 26, 2015 | PADUCAH, KY
By Ro Morse Apr. 26, 2015 | 04:52 PM | PADUCAH, KY
It's not uncommon for a bus of quilters to spend 50 to 60 thousand dollars while they are in Paducah for the AQS Quilt Show and Contest.

This group of quilters from Monroe, Wisconsin said their two buses spent over $100,000 last year and will probably top that this year, and that doesn't include their bus fee and the hotel room expenses.  

"The ladies who first organized the Paducah Quilt Show trips 29 years ago still fill a bus or two each year and we all love it," said Mary Kay, a quilter who couldn't say enough about her group's annual trek to Paducah. "We love the people, and we are always impressed how friendly and welcoming everyone is." She told us that they have a contest to see who spends the most while in Paducah. It was just amazing how much these ladies take back with them each time they come to Quilt City, USA. They save the receipts and tally vouchers on their return trip home. "We have such a fun time every year and look forward to seeing all there is to do around town, in addition to the AQS show and events."

No wonder businesses look forward to this week in April. These ladies (and a few men) are serious when they come to the annual quilt extravaganza. They save all year and plan where to go and what to do, see and "purchase" while here.

The quilters that are staying in my home come home each day with bags of fabric and yarn and quilting "things". They love to see the quilts at the show and it inspires them to return home and "create".

This may be the most fun economic development plan - ever. These are a tremendous group of folks to attract to our city - quilters. They are a wholesome and appreciative group of people, and Paducah is a better place because they come here.  



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