
Clarksville Buzzes About Boom, Ground Shaking

Clarksville Buzzes About Boom, Ground Shaking
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Sep. 07, 2021 | CLARKSVILLE
By West Kentucky Star Staff Sep. 07, 2021 | 10:23 AM | CLARKSVILLE
Multiple agencies in the Clarksville area spent Saturday night searching for the source of an “unknown phenomena” that generated reports of a loud explosion and the ground shaking.

Clarksville police said 911 handled several calls just before 10 p.m. Saturday about an explosion being heard. Some of the callers reported they felt the ground shake. The police department’s Facebook page on Sunday said that they too had heard an explosion and felt the ground shaking Saturday night.

“Explosion was so loud and homes shook,” one wrote. “Residents actually came outside to see what had happened.”

The sound can be heard on recordings from surveillance cameras and remote doorbells.

The calls came from all over Montgomery County, but no damage had been reported. Police, sheriff's deputies and EMS members could not find a source for the sound or the tremor.

The United States Geological Survey did not register an earthquake in the area.

Officials also said that Fort Campbell was on a four-day weekend due to Labor Day, so it did not appear to be training or an exercise.

