
Murray Elementary’s Workman Named April Teacher of the Month

Murray Elementary’s Workman Named April Teacher of the Month
By Kristen Amaya
May. 14, 2024 | MURRAY
By Kristen Amaya May. 14, 2024 | 11:33 AM | MURRAY
I say it every time we visit a school: it’s always exciting to award a new Teacher of the Month. Last week we visited Murray Elementary and presented Morgan Workman with a certificate and monetary prize courtesy of Scott Walker Construction. Ms. Workman is a 3rd grade teacher originally from Louisville.
Here are the Teacher of the Month questions.
Q: What was your first memory of school?
A: On my very first day of Kindergarten, I didn’t finish my lunch. I was still eating my cookie in the line and I got in trouble.
Q: How do you show your school spirit?
A: It’s my fifth year being a Tiger and I really appreciate that. I show up to school every day with a smile on my face ready to encourage the Tigers to do their best!
Q: What is one of your hidden talents?
A: I really love to mountain bike. I’m excited to do that with some time off this summer at LBL (Land Between the Lakes).
Q: What makes a great day at school?
A: Just seeing my kids, spending time with them; the laughter and joy they bring. And not a lot of people get to love their coworkers like I love mine.
Q: How do you remember all of your students’ names?
A: I’m a big nickname person. All my kiddos have a fun little twist on their name that kind of shares their personality. I coach chess and drama club so I do know a lot of my incoming students from there.
Q: What is a school sport or activity you enjoy watching?
A: I love to see the (elementary age) Tiger football team play. I love to see those teammates become best friends. Softball and soccer with Murray Parks & Rec too!
Q: If you could take your students anywhere on a field trip, where would you go?
A: A National Park! Carlsbad Caverns to see all the rock layers and we have Mammoth Cave right here. So, both of those.
Q: How do you think your students will remember you and your class?
A: I hope that they remember they were loved every day. Having a lot of fun. They look back and remember being silly and singing songs and having dance parties at the end of the day.
Q: Is there a quote or saying that you live your life by?
A: “What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver
Q: If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?
A: Love who you are. Feel confident in that you are bringing a unique perspective to the world.
West Kentucky Star Teacher of the Month, sponsored by Scott Walker Construction, is awarded each month of the school year. As the April winner, Ms. Workman will join the other Teachers of the Month in the fall for West Kentucky Star Teacher of the Year 2023-2024.

Check the CONTEST tab to nominate your favorite teacher for the current Teacher of the Month.

In the picture above: Chris Morgan from Scott Walker Construction and Morgan Workman.

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