
Gov. Beshear's Monday COVID-19 Update

Gov. Beshear's Monday COVID-19 Update
By West Kentucky Star Staff
Mar. 23, 2020 | KENTUCKY
By West Kentucky Star Staff Mar. 23, 2020 | 07:16 PM | KENTUCKY
During his Monday COVID-19 press conference, Governor Andy Beshear provided an update, and announced the new actions he is taking in his attempt to reduce the spread of the virus.

Beshear began by announcing the fourth confirmed death related to the virus, an 82-year-old woman in Lexington that suffered from other underlying health issues. He also shared that the number of confirmed cases within Kentucky is now 124.

Beshear started off with an attempt to encourage unity, by asking all churches and Kentuckians who can, to ring a bell at 10 am every day.

He then announced the new set of actions he is taking in his attempt to slow down the virus, beginning with changes to layoff parameters. According to this new action, any employer with at least fifty employees, who is laying off at least fifteen employees, is encouraged to file a claim on behalf of the employees through the E-Claims process. On that same subject, Beshear also announced that his team had trained 138 state employees for UI Claims Adjudication, in an attempt to alleviate backlog.

Beshear was also pleased to announce the Team Kentucky Fund. The fund is a collaboration with the Kentucky Public Protection Cabinet, it is a fundraising platform designed to provide financial assistance to Kentuckians who have been affected by COVID-19. He challenged Kentuckians who have the ability, to make a tax-deductible donation.

Kerry Harvey, Secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet, said this fund is an opportunity to help Kentuckians in need. "Helping people stay safe and navigate through crisis is the heart of public service, and the PPC in particular. We know government can't cure all the problems associated with the pandemic, but this fund is one way to help those who've lost wages," said Harvey. "I encourage everyone to answer the governor's call of joining Team Kentucky. Giving to the fund is a great way to get on the team."

Beshear also announced the creation of the COVID-19 reporting hotline. A hotline for Kentuckians to report any noncompliance of his rules. Anyone wishing to make a complaint should call 1-833-597-2337. The Labor Cabinet is monitoring the hotline from 7:30 am to 9 pm.

Lastly, Beshear asked all radio and TV stations to conduct Public Service Announcements about social distancing as well as other state guidelines in an effort to combat COVID-19. You can see the press conference in its entirety below.


