The lawsuit was filed against Beshear by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and Evans Orchard and Cider Mill, LLC.
“Every Kentuckian, including me, wants to do the right thing to flatten the curve and save lives, but the regulatory mayhem unleashed on our state by the haphazard and selective enforcement of Governor Beshear’s executive orders is causing economic hardship for those who want to put public health first,” said Commissioner Quarles. “Evans Orchard has prioritized public health, but has suffered immense financial losses as a result of the Governor’s orders which has limited their ability to operate their 96,000 square foot play area. I am glad Attorney General Daniel Cameron is joining us in our fight to make sure Evans Orchard and many other businesses can put public health first and re-open safely. We want to ensure public health is protected, the American dream is preserved, and that our laws and institutions mean something.”
Evans Orchard and Cider Mill, an agritourism business is Georgetown, had instituted the new public health guidelines and procedures in compliance with Beshear's executive orders, which included requiring employees to wear masks, sanitation protocols for the facility, and a reduced workforce to comply with the social distancing requirements. At one point, Evans Orchard was reportedly told by the local health department that they were not allowed to have more than 10 individuals at a time in the businesses 96,000 square foot facility.
According to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Beshear's executive orders have resulted in a significant financial loss for Evans Orchard and other Kentucky businesses. If the executive orders remain in effect without change, it could bankrupt family businesses.
You can find additional information about this lawsuit at the link below.