The Kentucky primary election has been moved from May 19th to June 23rd, but that's not the only change that voters should know about.
Secretary of State Michael Adams and Governor Andy Beshear have announced that strict requirements are being waived so people can vote by absentee ballot if they are worried about catching or transmitting COVID-19. They are also allowing in-person voting by appointment at courthouses beginning June 8th. On June 23rd, any remaining in-person voting will take place, but most precincts will not be open as they usually are. These practices are to make sure social distancing guidelines are followed.
McCracken County Clerk Julie Griggs told West Kentucky Star voters should arrange to get an absentee ballot.
The State Board of Elections (SBE) will be mailing out postcards to every registered voter by May 22nd explaining how to request an absentee ballot.
Griggs explained that voters can request a ballot in the following ways:
1. Calling the McCracken County Clerk’s Office at 270-444-4702.
2. Request a ballot by email at:
3. The SBE will be opening up a secure online portal in a few weeks whereby voters can request their ballot online.
State law requires absentee ballot requests be received in the clerk's office by June 16th, and completed ballots must be received by 6:00 pm on June 23rd.
For those that cannot vote by mail or choose not to, in-person voting will be available in the Clerk’s Office starting June 8th and continuing through June 22nd from 8:30-4:30. The office will also be open on two Saturdays during that two week time frame to accommodate voters who cannot come in during normal business hours.
On Election Day, June 23rd, there will be only one voting location as precincts will not be open that day. All in-person voting on Election Day will be in the County Clerk’s Office from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.
CDC guidelines for social distancing will be followed for all in-person voting, so if this is the choice of the voter, a longer than usual wait should be expected.
It is the top priority of the McCracken County Board of Elections and the County Clerk’s Office to conduct a safe and secure election and to uphold the integrity of the election process. Griggs added that patience during these challenging times is appreciated.
The number for the voter registration and elections department at the County Clerk's office is 270-444-4702.
Griggs suspects that voter turnout may be lower than normal, even though it's a presidential election year, because people won't be as familiar with how it will be done.
"In the primary, the turnout is always lower than what it is in the general election. I do think the voter turnout will be heavier in the city precincts because of the mayor and city commission race," she said.
When asked if she has heard of any concerns from voters about how secure their absentee vote would be, Griggs said not yet, but if she does, she'll give reassurance that her office has handled absentee ballots in every election.
Griggs said, "We'll still do that part of the process the same as far as keeping them in a secured vault, locked, that sort of thing. So, the voters can definitely be assured. I don't want people to think there's more room for voter fraud or anything like that. Our process will still be the same, just on a much larger scale."
County Clerk Discusses Absentee Voting
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